Saturday, 16 May 2015

Airport essentials

Hellooo guys, Today I'm at the airport so I decided to do a post on essentials you take with you to the airport. Also I'm only updating this week on saturday because since I'm on vacation I'll probably forget to post. Now enough blabbing ;).

Travelling by plane is always fun, I'm one of those people that think of it as an adventure.  The essentials you take with you in the bag you board with differs from one person to the other and also according to the length of the flight.

The essentials I am going to tell you about are the basic essentials you take on a short flight, so let's get started.

1 A bagpack that is big enough to fit alot of stuff in it.

2 Headphones so you can listen to music to pass time and don't disturb people around you.

3 Gum is a majooor essential because of the aeroplane pressure.

4 A comfy outfit to wear because you don't want to wait in an itchy outfit for a couple of hours.

5 A good book is great way to pass time.

Those are my essentials for a flight and I know that alot of people have anxiety or are scared of aeroplanes in general. Try to overcome that and just enjoy the ride.

Hope you find this post useful,  Don't forget to give this post a plus, share it, comment your opinion and till next week. Byeeee xoxo.

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